

Address Aquatuning GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 2
D-33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
Telephone: +49 (0) 5207 95846 140
Fax: +49 (0) 5207 95846 222
Email: info@aquatuning.de
Technical issues: info@aquatuning.de
Internet: https://www.aquatuning.com
Telephone Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:00
Saturday, Sunday and national holidays: no telephone support
CED Nathanael Draht
City of jurisdiction Amtsgericht Bielefeld HRB 38891
Tax number 347/5701/1745 Finanzamt Wiedenbrück
VAT-ID No. according to §27a UStG DE252383793
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 48636081
Bankaccount for € payment Aquatuning GmbH
Number 89666 Bank code 47850065
IBAN DE16478500650000089666 BIC WELADED1GTL
Bank: Sparkasse Gütersloh
Address: Konrad Adenauer Platz 1 33330 Gütersloh - Germany

The settlement of the website via credit card takes place:

Stripe Payments Europe, Limited (SPEL)
1 Grand Canal Street Lower
Grand Canal Dock
Dublin D02 H210

Mail: heretohelp@stripe.com

Information for online dispute settlement: The EU Commission has established an internet platform for online resolution of disputes (the so-called “OS Platform”). The OS Platform serves as a contact point for out-of-court settlement of disputes regarding contractual obligations which arise from online contracts of purchase. Customers can reach the OS Platform through the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/